vindicatory traduction
- adj. défenseur
- vindictive: adj. vindicatif; de vengeance; rancuni ......
- vindicator: n. qui donne raison, qui protège...
- vindictive action: action vindicative, action de revanche ......
- vindicative: adj. vengeant, qui se venge...
- vindictive behavior: comportement vindicatif, revanche (rev ......
- vindication: n. défense; justification, preuve...
- vindictively: n. vindicativement...
- vindicate: v. défendre, soutenir quelqu'un, justi ......
- vindictiveness: n. vindicatif, rancunier...
- vindaloo: n. vindaloo, sauce très piquante, bien ......
- Adjectif
- providing justification
Synonyme: justificative, justificatory, - given or inflicted in requital according to merits or deserts; "retributive justice"
Synonyme: retributive, retributory, - of or relating to or having the nature of retribution; "retributive justice demands an eye for an eye"
Synonyme: retaliatory, relatiative, retributive, retributory,