illustration en couleur n. colored illustration | illustre adj. illustrious, lustrous | illustrer v. illustrate, exemplify | illuviation n. illuviation | illyade n. iliad, epic poem describi... | ilote n. helot, member of an infer... | ils instrument landing system, i... | ilse n. ilse, female first name | ilyich n. ilyich, male middle name ... | ima arabic world instituteima ... | image n. picture, image; reflectio... | image de fond n. wallpaper, picture or des... | image de marque n. brand image, reputation o... | image distante n. external image (computers... | image en 3 dimensions n. 3d image (computers) | image en mode filaire n. wire-frame image (compute... | image externe n. external image | image matricielle n. raster image, bit map ima... | image raster n. raster image, bit map ima... | image timbre-poste n. thumbnail, miniaturized p... | image virtuelle n. virtual image | imager v. embellish with images | imagerie n. prints, imagery | imaginable adj. conceivable, imaginable... | imaginaire adj. imaginary, fantastic, p... |
| imaginal adj. imaginal, imaginative | imaginatif adj. imaginative, creative, ... | imagination n. imagination, fantasy, fan... | imaginer v. imagine, make believe, th... | imagisme n. imagism, poetry movement ... | imago n. imago, idealized mental i... | imam n. imam, one who leads praye... | imamat n. imamat | imao inhibitor of monoamine-oxyda... | imap internet message access prot... | imari n. imari, city in japan; jap... | imbattable adj. unbeatable, cannot be b... | imbattablement adv. unbeatably, undefeatabl... | imber n. imber, family name; nafta... | imberbe adj. beardless, lacking a be... | imbibation n. moistening | imbiber v. imbibe, absorb, saturate | imbibition n. imbibition, drinking, abs... | imbrication n. imbrication, pattern rese... | imbriquer v. imbricate, fit into | imbroglio n. imbroglio, misunderstandi... | imbu adj. full of, filled with | imbu de sa personne adj. full of one's own impor... | imbuvable adj. undrinkable, not fit to... | imc disabled cerebral motorimc... |