uer en anglais
- ebu, european broadcasting union+uer (unité d'enseignement et de recherche)
european broadcasting union)uer (union européenne de radiodiffusion)
- ufr: university department)ufr (unité de f ......
- uem: emu, european monetary union, financia ......
- ugine: n. ugine, city in france...
- uefa: uefa, union of european football assoc ......
- ugénol: n. eugenol, (chemistry) compound deriv ......
- ue: eu, european union, federation of euro ......
- uh: interj. uh, ehh! (sound showing uncert ......
- udr: republic defense union-udr (union pou ......
- uhlan: n. uhlan, lancer from a light cavalry ......
- udf: union for the french democracy)udf (u ......