
Phrase de certeau


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  1. In this, many were influenced by The Practice of Everyday Life ( 1984 ) by Michel de Certeau.
  2. He was friends with notable scholars Beirnaert Louis and Michel de Certeau who belonged to the Freudian School of Paris.
  3. De Certeau's concept of a tactic also explains why most tactical media campaigns are quick, effective and current.
  4. She also took classes of Michel de Certeau, Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault at the time of her master's degree.
  5. Once this distinction was made, De Certeau also pushed forward the idea of how the elements found within a society could be used.

Mots proches

  1. de cauquenes
  2. de cazanove
  3. de cecco
  4. de ceglie
  5. de ceremoniis
  6. de cervantes
  7. de cesare
  8. de chambrun
  9. de champagne
  10. de champs
  11. de ceglie
  12. de ceremoniis
  13. de cervantes
  14. de cesare

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