
Phrase de christiana expeditione apud sinas


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  1. One of Godwin's sources for his Lunar language was Trigault's " De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas ".
  2. "De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas " may have been the first book to tell Europeans about feng shui ( geomancy ).
  3. An early European account of Taoism was provided by the Jesuits Matteo Ricci and Nicolas Trigault in their " De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas " ( 1615 ).
  4. It was mostly superseded in 1615 by the work of much more informed Jesuit missionaries who actually lived in China, Matteo Ricci and Nicolas Trigault, " De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas ".
  5. He used Trigault's " De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas " ( 1615 ), based on a manuscript by Matteo Ricci, the founder of the Jesuit mission in Beijing in 1601, for information about that mission.

Mots proches

  1. de champs
  2. de chardin
  3. de chaunac
  4. de cherlton
  5. de chirico
  6. de cisternay
  7. de cive
  8. de civilitate morum puerilium
  9. de civitate dei
  10. de civitate dei contra paganos
  11. de cherlton
  12. de chirico
  13. de cisternay
  14. de cive

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