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iglou n. igloo, eskimo house const...
ign national geographic institut...
ignace n. ignace, family name
igname n. yam, sweet potato
ignare n. ignoramus, ignorant unedu...
ignaro n. ignaro, family name; loui...
ignatia n. ignatia, female first nam...
ignifugation n. fireproofing, act of maki...
ignifuger v. fireproof, make resistant...
ignition n. ignition, act of igniting...
ignitron n. igniter, person or thing ...
ignoble adj. ignoble, base, infamous...
ignominie n. ignominy, baseness
ignominieusement adv. disgracefully, dishonor...
ignominieux adj. ignominious, disgracefu...
ignorance n. ignorance, ignoring, blin...
ignorance crasse n. crass ignorance
ignorant adj. ignorant, illiterate, u...
ignorantisme n. ignorantism
ignorer v. take no heed, not to know...
ignorer qqch v. be unaware
ignorer que v. be unaware that
igor n. igor, male first name (ru...
igpn general inspection of nation...
igs police disciplinary body for...
iguane n. iguana, large lizard nati...
ii ii, number 2 (roman numerals...
iii iii, number 3 (roman numeral...
il pron. he, it
il a sa dose he's had a bellyful
il a une belle fortune he is a man of means
il est there are, there is
il est assez probable que it's not unlikely that
il est beau parleur he's very glib
il est bien fait adv. well done
il est excellent it's perfect
il est ici it is here
il est important de savoir it is important to know
il fait chaud it's hot
il fait du soleil the sun is shining
il fait froid it's cold
il fait un froid de loup v. it is bitterly cold
il faut must
il faut oublier et pardonner forgive and forget, pardon s...
il faut que ought, should
il me semble que it appears to me that, it se...
il ne se tient jamais tranquille he's a dreadful wriggler
il pleut des cordes it's raining cats and dogs, ...
il se fait vieux he's getting elderly
il semble que it appears that
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