chemical manufacturers association en chinois
- 化学品制造业协会
- association: 音标:[asɔsjasjɔ̃] n.f....
- midi manufacturers association: MIDI制造商协会...
- national electrical manufacturers association: 美国电气制造商协会...
- chemical reviews: 化学评论...
- dow chemical: 陶氏化工...
- sumitomo chemical: 住友化学...
- the chemical brothers: 化学兄弟...
- european container manufacturers’ committee: 欧洲集装箱制造商委员会...
- international confederation of drum manufacturers: 国际圆筒容器制造商联合会...
- international confederation of plastics packaging manufacturers: 国际塑料包装材料制造商联合会...
- sporting arms and ammunition manufacturers’ institute: 体育武器及弹药制造商协会...
- american chemical society: 美国化学会...
- american institute of chemical engineers: 美国化学工程学会...
- chemical & engineering news: 化学化工新闻...
- chemical abstracts service: 化学文摘社...