asphalt traduction
verbe au passé: asphalted participe passé du verbe: asphalted participe présent du verbe: asphalting
- n. asphalte, bitume, goudron
v. asphalter, recouvrir d'asphalte, bitumer, goudronner
- asphalt jungle: n. jungle asphaltée...
- asphalt road: route asphaltée, route bitumée, route ......
- aspersion: n. calomnie, médisance; fausse rumeur...
- asperser: n. calomnieur, médisant...
- asphaltic: adj. asphalteux; asphaltique; d'asphal ......
- asperse: v. médire, calomnier, diffamer, accuse ......
- asphaltum: n. asphalte...
- asperity: n. âpreté, rudesse; aspérité, rigueur; ......
- aspheric: adj. asphérique...
- asperities of a cold winter: aspérities de l'hiver...
- Nom
- a dark bituminous substance found in natural beds and as residue from petroleum distillation; consists mainly of hydrocarbons
Synonyme: mineral pitch, - mixed asphalt and crushed gravel or sand; used especially for paving but also for roofing
- cover with tar or asphalt; "asphalt the driveway"