coeval traduction
- n. du même âge, contemporain
- his coeval: son semblable (garçon de son âge), sa ......
- coevally: adv. de façon contemporaine...
- coerciveness: n. contrainte, coercition...
- coexist: v. coexister...
- coercively: adv. d'un façon contraignante...
- coexistence: n. coexistence...
- coercive measures: moyens de pression...
- coexistent: adj. coexistant...
- coercive: adj. coercitif, contraignant...
- coextensive: adj. coextensif, d'extension égale...
- coercion: n. coercition, contrainte...
- Nom
- a person of nearly the same age as another
Synonyme: contemporary, Adjectif - of the same period
Synonyme: coetaneous, contemporaneous,