confab traduction
verbe au passé: confabbed participe passé du verbe: confabbed participe présent du verbe: confabbing
- n. discussion, bavardage, conversation légère; congrès spécialisé autour d'un sujet spécifique, colloque professionnel
v. causer
- confabulate: v. s'entretenir...
- coney: n. lapin; fourrure de lapin...
- confabulation: n. petite conversation...
- cone of fire: cône de feu, signalisation de feu...
- confect: v. confectionner; préserver...
- cone: n. cône; cornet de glace; pomme de pin ......
- confected: adj. confectionné, fait de plusieurs m ......
- condylomatous: adj. relatif au condylome (petite tume ......
- confectio: n. confection, préparation pharmaceuti ......
- condyloma: n. condylome ou crête de coq, verrue d ......
- Nom
- an informal conversation
Synonyme: chat, confabulation, schmooze, schmoose, Verbe - have a conference in order to talk something over; "We conferred about a plan of action"
Synonyme: confer, confabulate, consult, - talk socially without exchanging too much information; "the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze"
Synonyme: chew the fat, shoot the breeze, chat, confabulate, chitchat, chit-chat, chatter, chaffer, natter, gossip, jaw, claver, visit,