denomination traduction
Prononciation: [ diˌnɔmi'neiʃən ] Voix:
nom pluriel: denominations
- n. dénomination; nom; culte; confession; genre; valeur; dénominateur
- denominational: adj. dénominatif...
- denominate: v. dénommer, appeler...
- denominationally: adv. confessionnellement; selon l'appa ......
- dennis hastert: n. dennis hastert, membre républicain ......
- denominative: adj. dénominatifn. dénominatif...
- dennis: n. dennis, prénom masculin; nom de fam ......
- denominator: n. dénominateur d'une fraction...
- denmark: n. le royaume de danemark appelé dans ......
- denotation: n. note, cotation, symbolisation; défi ......
- denizen: n. habitant, résident, vivant...
- Nom
- identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others
Synonyme: appellation, designation, appellative, - a class of one kind of unit in a system of numbers or measures or weights or money; "he flashed a fistful of bills of large denominations"
- a group of religious congregations having its own organization and a distinctive faith