enthusiastically traduction
- adv. avec enthousiasme
- entice: v. attirer, séduire, fourvoyer...
- enthusiast: n. fervent, enthousiaste, supporter...
- enticement: n. séduction, appât...
- enthusiastic: adj. enthousiaste...
- enticing: adj. séduisant, attrayant; alléchant...
- enthusiasm: n. enthousiasme...
- enticingly: adv. d'une manière séduisante ou attra ......
- enthuse: v. s'enthousiasmer...
- entire: adj. entier, tout, fini, plein...
- enthrone: v. mettre sur le trône, couronner...
- Adverbe
- with enthusiasm; in an enthusiastic manner; "they discussed the question enthusiastically"
- in a lavish or enthusiastic manner; "he extolled her virtues sky-high"
Synonyme: sky-high, sky-high, - with enthusiasm; in an enthusiastic manner; "they discussed the question enthusiastically"
- in a lavish or enthusiastic manner; "he extolled her virtues sky-high"
Synonyme: sky-high, sky-high,