half traduction
Prononciation: [ hɑ:f ] Voix:
nom pluriel: halves
- n. moitié, demi, milieu de terrain (foot)
adj. moitié, mi-
adv. partiellement
- by half: largement, principalement...
- not half: interj. tu parles! et comment!...
- half and half: moitié-moitié, moitié l'un moitié l'au ......
- at half mast: d'un demi-mât (nautique)...
- at half price: à moitié prix, à demi prix, avec 50% d ......
- better half: la moitié, femme, mari, une des person ......
- cut in half: couper en deux, partager...
- first half: la première mi-temps (sports)...
- for half the price: à moitié prix, à demi prix...
- half a million: un demi million...
- half a minute: une demi minute...
- half a year: une demi année...
- half asleep: à moitié endormi...
- half back: demi-arrière, demi-arrières (football) ......
- half baked: qui ne tient pas debout, ridicule...
- Adjectif
- (of siblings) related through one parent only; "a half brother"; "half sister"
- partially or to the extent of a half; "he was half hidden by the bushes"
- partially or to the extent of a half; "he was half hidden by the bushes"
- consisting of one of two equivalent parts in value or quantity; "a half chicken"; "lasted a half hour"
- partial; "gave me a half smile"; "he did only a half job"
- one of two equal parts of a divisible whole; "half a loaf"; "half an hour"; "a century and one half"
Synonyme: one-half, - one of two divisions into which some games or performances are divided: the two divisions are separated by an interval