jacket traduction
Prononciation: [ 'dʒækit ] Voix:
verbe au passé: jacketed participe passé du verbe: jacketed nom pluriel: jackets participe présent du verbe: jacketing
- n. jaquette, smoking, manteau, veste; couverture; couvercle; pelure du pomme de terre, pelage d'un animal; dossier, porte-document; boitier pour disquette (informatique)
v. mettre une veste; recouvrir; envelopper, garnir
- bed jacket: liseuse, robe de chambre...
- book jacket: couverture du livre, couverture de pro ......
- book-jacket: couverture de livre...
- dinner jacket: jaquette, smoking>...
- dust jacket: n. jaquette, couverture de protection ......
- flack-jacket: gilet de protection; tenue de combat; ......
- flak jacket: gilet par-balle...
- jacket potato: pomme de terre en robe des champs, pom ......
- leather jacket: veste en cuir...
- life jacket: gilet de sauvetage...
- monkey jacket: n. gilet de cérémonie, vêtemnt faisant ......
- padded jacket: veste matelassée...
- pea jacket: manteau de marins...
- shell-jacket: un gilet de cérémonie...
- smoking jacket: veste de smoking (costume de soirée)...
- Nom
- (dentistry) dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or decayed tooth; "tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown"
Synonyme: crown, crownwork, jacket crown, cap, - a short coat
- an outer wrapping or casing; "phonograph records were sold in cardboard jackets"
- the tough metal shell casing for certain kinds of ammunition
- the outer skin of a potato
- put a jacket on; "The men were jacketed"
- provide with a thermally non-conducting cover; "The tubing needs to be jacketed"