none traduction
Prononciation: [ nʌn ] Voix:
- adv. en aucune mesure; pas du tout
pron. aucun; pas du tout; rien
- none but: personne à part-...
- have none of: ne pas accepter, ne pas autoriser...
- none of them: l'un d'eux...
- none other but-: qui si ce n'est pas lui, c'est lui; qu ......
- none the less: malgré cela...
- none the worse: pas pire; pas si terrible...
- second to none: il n'y en a pas deux comme lui...
- all or none offering: "tout ou non rien" (aux etats-unis, pr ......
- it is none of his business: ce n'est pas ses affaires, ça ne le re ......
- nondurables: n. produits périssables...
- nondurable: adj. périssable...
- none other but him: il est lui-même=...
- nondrying: adj. non-déshydraté, qui ne se dessèch ......
- nondrinker: n. qui ne boit pas de boissons alcooli ......
- none other than: qui sinon...
- nondramatic: adj. non dramatique...
- Adverbe
- not at all or in no way; "seemed none too pleased with his dinner"; "shirt looked none the worse for having been slept in"; "none too prosperous"; "the passage is none too clear"
- not at all or in no way; "seemed none too pleased with his dinner"; "shirt looked none the worse for having been slept in"; "none too prosperous"; "the passage is none too clear"
- not any; "thou shalt have none other gods before me"
- a service in the Roman Catholic Church formerly read or chanted at 3 PM (the ninth hour counting from sunrise) but now somewhat earlier
- a canonical hour that is the ninth hour of the day counting from sunrise