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ring traduction

Prononciation: [ riŋ ]  Voix:
verbe au passé: ringed   participe passé du verbe: ringed   participe présent du verbe: ringing   
Phrase "ring"
  • n. sonnerie, son d'une cloche; sonnerie du téléphone; ton, son, tintement; anneau, bague; groupe de personnes engagées dans une activité particulièren, cercle, groupe; ring, zone fermée conçue pour des compétitions sportives; ring, estrade sur laquelle combattent les boxeurs
    v. sonner, tinter, retentir; téléphoner; boucler, encercler, cerner
  • ring in:    annoncer, appeler pour...
  • ring a bell:    rappeler, être connu...
  • rindless:    adj. découenné, sanc croute; sans écor ......
  • ring false:    sonne faux, mensonger...
  • rinderpest:    n. maladie infectieuse touchant le gro ......
  • ring finger:    n. annulaire (le quatrième doigt, le d ......
  • rind:    n. écorce...
  • ring hollow:    sonner creux; sonner faux...
  • rimula:    n. fine incision, petite coupe (médeci ......
  • rimu:    n. rimu, conifère que l'on trouve en n ......
  • a strip of material attached to the leg of a bird to identify it (as in studies of bird migration)
    Synonyme: band,

  • a rigid circular band of metal or wood or other material used for holding or fastening or hanging or pulling; "there was still a rusty iron hoop for tying a horse"
    Synonyme: hoop,

  • jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger; "she had rings on every finger"; "he noted that she wore a wedding band"
    Synonyme: band,

  • a platform usually marked off by ropes in which contestants box or wrestle

  • a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"

  • the sound of a bell ringing; "the distinctive ring of the church bell"; "the ringing of the telephone"; "the tintinnabulation that so voluminously swells from the ringing and the dinging of the bells"--E. A. Poe
    Synonyme: ringing, tintinnabulation,

  • an association of criminals; "police tried to break up the gang"; "a pack of thieves"
    Synonyme: gang, pack, mob,

  • (chemistry) a chain of atoms in a molecule that forms a closed loop
    Synonyme: closed chain,

  • a toroidal shape; "a ring of ships in the harbor"; "a halo of smoke"
    Synonyme: halo, annulus, doughnut, anchor ring,

  • Verbe
  • get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone; "I tried to call you all night"; "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning"
    Synonyme: call, telephone, call up, phone,

  • attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify; "ring birds"; "band the geese to observe their migratory patterns"
    Synonyme: band,

  • extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle; "The forest surrounds my property"
    Synonyme: surround, environ, skirt, border,

  • sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"
    Synonyme: peal,

  • make (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification; "Ring the bells"; "My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church"
    Synonyme: knell,

  • ring or echo with sound; "the hall resounded with laughter"
    Synonyme: resound, echo, reverberate,