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solely traduction

Prononciation: [ 'səu(l)li ]  Voix:
Phrase "solely"
  • adv. seulement, exclusivement
  • we are solely to blame:    nous sommes les seuls coupables, la cu ......
  • solemn:    adj. solennel, sacré; formel; grave, s ......
  • soled:    adj. qui possède une semelle; dont la ......
  • solemn ceremony:    cérémonie solennelle...
  • solectron:    n. solectron, entreprise américaine qu ......
  • solemn truth:    la vérité solennelle...
  • solecism:    n. solécisme (faute contre les règles ......
  • solemn warning:    mise en garde sérieuse...
  • sole proprietorship:    propriété d'une seule personne (droit ......
  • solemnity:    n. sollanité, respect, splendeur; grav ......
  • sole judge:    juge unique (juge traitant d'une affai ......
  • without any others being included or involved; "was entirely to blame"; "a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children"; "he works for Mr. Smith exclusively"; "did it solely for money"; "the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone"; "a privilege granted only to him"
    Synonyme: entirely, exclusively, alone, only, entirely, exclusively, alone, only,

  • without any others being included or involved; "was entirely to blame"; "a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children"; "he works for Mr. Smith exclusively"; "did it solely for money"; "the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone"; "a privilege granted only to him"
    Synonyme: entirely, exclusively, alone, only, entirely, exclusively, alone, only,