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soppy traduction

Phrase "soppy"
  • adj. très mouillé, plein d'eau; très pluvieux; sentimental
  • soprano:    n. soprane (musicien)adj. soprano (la ......
  • sopping:    adj. trempé, mouillé...
  • sorb:    n. membre du peuple slave...
  • soporose:    adj. endormi, somnolent, sans connaiss ......
  • sorbefacient:    n. matière stimulant une absorptionadj ......
  • soporifically:    adv. soporifiquement...
  • sorbet:    n. sorbet...
  • soporific:    n. soporifiqueadj. soporifique...
  • sorbitol:    n. sorbitol, adoucissant artificiel...
  • soporiferousness:    n. soporifique, narcose, anesthésie...
  • effusively or insincerely emotional; "a bathetic novel"; "maudlin expressions of sympathy"; "mushy effusiveness"; "a schmaltzy song"; "sentimental soap operas"; "slushy poetry"
    Synonyme: bathetic, drippy, hokey, maudlin, mawkish, kitschy, mushy, schmaltzy, schmalzy, sentimental, soupy, slushy,

  • wet through and through; thoroughly wet; "stood at the door drenched (or soaked) by the rain"; "the speaker''s sodden collar"; "soppy clothes"
    Synonyme: sodden,