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steady traduction

Prononciation: [ 'stedi ]  Voix:
verbe au passé: steadied   participe passé du verbe: steadied   nom pluriel: steadies   participe présent du verbe: steadying   
Phrase "steady"
  • n. membre permanent
    v. affermir, renforcer; stabiliser; se stabiliser
    adj. ferme, régulier, solide
    interj. du calme!
  • not subject to change or variation especially in behavior; "a steady beat"; "a steady job"; "a steady breeze"; "a steady increase"; "a good steady ballplayer"

  • Adverbe
  • in a steady manner; "he could still walk steadily"
    Synonyme: steadily, steadily,

  • in a steady manner; "he could still walk steadily"
    Synonyme: steadily, steadily,

  • Adjectif
  • not easily excited or upset; "steady nerves"

  • relating to a person who does something regularly; "a regular customer"; "a steady drinker"
    Synonyme: regular,

  • marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable; "firm convictions"; "a firm mouth"; "steadfast resolve"; "a man of unbendable perseverence"; "unwavering loyalty"
    Synonyme: firm, steadfast, stiff, unbendable, unfaltering, unshakable, unwavering,

  • securely in position; not shaky; "held the ladder steady"

  • not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall; "stocks are still firm"
    Synonyme: firm, unfluctuating,

  • Verbe
  • make steady; "steady yourself"
    Synonyme: calm, becalm,

  • support or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace; "brace your elbows while working on the potter''s wheel"
    Synonyme: brace, stabilize, stabilise,

  • Nom
  • a person loved by another person
    Synonyme: sweetheart, sweetie, truelove,